Bindu Oommen-Fernandes
Bindu is a social entrepreneur and human rights activist who following a stellar decade long technology career at Google Inc, has held leadership positions in various organizations including as Executive Director, Board Member and Advisor. Most recently, she was Executive Director at Freedom Forward, a non profit working to prevent the commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking of youth by transforming the systems that contribute to their exploitation.
Bindu is excited for the transformational role Community Seva plays in restoring dignity and power back for our unhoused neighbors and moving our communities from surviving to thriving. In her free time, she is often perfecting a recipe, learning immigration law, enjoying live music and exploring nature and the world. You may contact her via LinkedIn or bindu@communityseva.org

Chitra Jayaraman
Chitra’s affiliation with Community Seva started when, after meeting with the founder, Nathan Ganesh, she was struck by his sincerity and simple mission of serving the homeless in the area. She was hooked and there has been no looking back since then. Spending time in the Seva kitchens has renewed Chitra’s aspiration of being an instrument for help in the community. She feels blessed to witness the pure joy on the faces of those being served and their spontaneous expressions of gratitude. For this she is ever thankful to Community Seva.

Priya Ramdas
A resident of the Bay Area for over 20 years, Priya Ramdas has been involved with Community Seva since its inception. Priya has a passion for volunteering and helping others and believes in going above and beyond especially when it comes to preparing food and feeding the hungry. She believes that providing service to those in need and less fortunate is the best way to express your love and care. Her mantra has always been service to people without any expectations and this fits in perfectly with the message of Community Seva. An analyst by profession and a mother of two boys, Priya is also a certified yoga instructor. As a member of the Board of Directors, Priya oversees the volunteer enrollment and their activities along with menu preparations at our feeding events. She brings relentless effort, commitment and dedication to the goals of Community Seva.

Shriya Shetty
I am a fulltime mother and have dreams of raising my daughter to be a compassionate human being. Actions speak louder than words, hence my drive to take on some issues I feel strongly about. I am a volunteer baker for Cake4kids a nonprofit which helps foster kids and high risk kids celebrate their birthday with a cake. I joined Community Seva in further taking on this role of a social citizen and giving back to the community by helping feed the less fortunate. Even the smallest of gesture can have an impact on someone’s life.